AFAPREDESA nace como respuesta civil a la lamentable situación de los derechos humanos, la incapacidad de defensa de los desaparecidos y torturados y de nuestra angustia como padres, hijos, esposas o hermanos ante la consecuencia de la invasión cívico-militar del Sáhara Occidental por Marruecos.
AFAPREDESA se constituyó el 20 de Agosto de 1989 en los Campamentos de refugiados de Tinduf. Es una Organización No Gubernamental saharaui de defensa de los Derechos Humanos, así reconocida por las leyes saharauis.
Es miembro observador de la Comisión Africana de Derechos Humanos y miembro de la Coalizacion Internacional para la protección de todas las personas contra las desapareciones forzadas.
Participa en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra. También actúa ante el Parlamento Europeo.
AFAPREDESA ha sido proscrita por el gobierno marroquí, pero aún así continúa ejerciendo su actividad dentro del territorio ocupado.

lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

2018 Year of the Sahrawi Disappeared. Truth and Justice.

Solidarity with the Victims of Genocide

Campaign for Truth and Justice.
Spain and Morocco, a shared responsibility.
More than 400 victimes of enforced disappearences.

Sidi Mohamed Basiri, missing since 18 June 1970 following his kidnapping by the Spanish authorities

After 47 years, more than 400 families are still without news of their missing relatives following their kidnapping by the Spanish authorities directly (case of Sidi Mohamed Basiri, June 18, 1970), with their complacency (case of enforced disappearances from October 31, 1975 to 26 February, 1976) and under their legal responsibility for all subsequent cases. Although Material Responsibility is the direct responsibility of the Moroccan colonial authorities, Spain is still responsible  Spain as the Administering Power of Western Sahara.

The families of the Saharawi disappeared claim, loud and clear, their absolute right to know the truth about the fate of their missing relatives and the place where they are, this right can not suffer any limitation or derogation. No legitimate aim or exceptional circumstance can be invoked by States to restrict this right. The Convention for the Protection of All Persons Against Forced Disappearances, signed and ratified by the Kingdoms of Spain and Morocco, further states that " right of any victim to know the truth about the circumstances of an enforced disappearance and the fate of the disappeared person, and the right to freedom to seek, receive and impart information to this end. "
The Convention also recognizes the right to justice for victims of enforced disappearances and obliges States Parties to “ take appropriate measures to investigate acts defined in article 2 committed by persons or groups of persons acting without the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State and to bring those responsible to justice”  (Article 3 of the Convention)

On the other hand, the Geneva Conventions and their protocols frame enforced disappearances in times of occupation. Therefore, the Association of Families of Prisoners and Disappeared Sahrawis (AFAPREDESA) calls on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to assume its role as "guardian of international humanitarian law" and defender of the victims of the occupation. It is high time for the ICRC to act with the States Parties to the Geneva Conventions to remind them of their responsibility to respect them in all circumstances. The Moroccan and Spanish governments, as well as their respective military authorities, have the obligation to provide, in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, information on the fate of disappeared persons in Western Sahara.

AFAPREDESA declares 2018, year of the Sahrawi disappeared person so that finally families can know the truth and get justice.

AFAPREDESA is launching a Solidarity and Support campaign with the victims of enforced disappearances in Western Sahara, until they are found.

Saharawi Refugee Camps, 1st January 2018

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